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Version: 2.x

Server's metrics

Observability is a good way to understand how your production application behaves under different traffic conditions. This guide explains what is available in Front-Commerce to expose this information to external tools.

Expose metrics for prometheus

Front-Commerce provides a /metrics endpoint with data about the node process and response times.

Configure it

You need two steps to enable this endpoint

  • npm install express-prom-bundle prom-client
  • define the environment variable FRONT_COMMERCE_CLOUD_METRICS_KEY with a basic authentication token (base64 encoded, e.g. dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== for user:password)

Access it

Call https://<your_website>/metrics with the defined header Authorization: Basic <FRONT_COMMERCE_CLOUD_METRICS_KEY>

Other metrics

Measure external services call times

Once the /metrics endpoint is enabled, you can count the time spent calling external services by installing additional modules

  • npm i @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http @opentelemetry/instrumentation @opentelemetry/api

This will append the following metrics to the /metrics endpoint

outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="<duration>",target="<targeted_service>"} <number_of_queries>

Example with a magento backend service

# TYPE outbound_requests_duration histogram
outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="0.1",target=""} 0
outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="0.25",target=""} 51
outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="0.5",target=""} 58
outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="1",target=""} 59
outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="2",target=""} 74
outbound_requests_duration_bucket{le="+Inf",target=""} 75
outbound_requests_duration_sum{target=""} 31.227999999999998
outbound_requests_duration_count{target=""} 75