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Version: 2.x


From the front-commerce-prepare.js file, Front-Commerce will call hooks that will let you customize some of those steps. This reference page documents the syntax of the exported module required by Front-Commerce.

The front-commerce-prepare.js configuration file should leave at the root of any web modules folder. Front-Commerce supports the keys detailed below:


A function that transforms a route found in the modules defined in .front-commerce.js:webModules.

See Routing reference for details about the terms used.


  • route: an object with the following properties:
    • fromModule (string): path of the web module defining the current route
    • filepath (string): absolute path to the route file
    • path (string): path that will be used for mapping URLs to this file (see Routing reference for details)
    • isLayout (bool): Is the file a _layout.js?
    • isLayoutAddition (bool): Is the file a layout customization? (_error.js or _inner-layout.js)
    • isRoute (bool): Is the file a route (= neither a layout nor a layout addition)

Return value

An optional route object with the following keys:

  • fromModule (string): path of the web module defining the current route
  • filepath (string): absolute path to the route file
  • path (string): path that will be used for mapping URLs to this file (see Routing reference for details)

If no route is returned, the route is ignored.


module.exports.onCreateRoute = (route) => {
// Remove all the `/contact/` pages
if (route.path === "/contact/") {
return null;

return route;