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Version: 3.x

Flash messages

Since version 3.6

Learn how to push and display flash messages in your Front-Commerce application.

When to use flash messages?

Flash messages are used to display informations to the user. These messages are meant to be displayed once and are stored in the session. When consumed, they are removed from the session.

Flash message data type

Flash messages are represented by an object the following properties:

typestringThe type of the flash message. It can be one of the types declared in the flash messages component.
messagestringThe message to display.
dataobjectAn object that can be used to pass additional data to the endering component.

Flash messages component

The default theme provides a default implementation for flash messages depending on the type property of the flash message object.

It can be customized by overriding the theme/modules/FlashMessages/getFlashMessageComponent.tsx file.

Adding flash messages

Flash messages can be added in your code from the user session object. Here's an example on how to do it in a route loader via the FrontCommerceApp instance:

import { FrontCommerceApp } from "@front-commerce/remix";

export const action = async ({ context }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);
type: "success",
message: "Payment succeeded",

Consume flash messages

Flash messages can be consumed in your code from the user session too. They usually are returned like any other data in a route loader:

import { FrontCommerceApp } from "@front-commerce/remix";
import { json } from "@front-commerce/remix/node";

export const loader = async ({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);
const flashMessages = app.user.session.getFlashMessages();
return json({ flashMessages });

Flash message component

In the default theme, we provide a ready-to-use flash message component. It can be used to display flash messages. Here is an usage example:

import { FrontCommerceApp } from "@front-commerce/remix";
import { json } from "@front-commerce/remix/node";

export const loader = async ({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);
const flashMessages = app.user.session.getFlashMessages();
return json({ flashMessages });

export default PaymentPage() {
const { flashMessages } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
return (
<FlashMessages flashMessages={flashMessages} />