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Version: 2.x

Custom Adapter

Since version 2.20

Deliver images enhanced and optimized for every user using your custom adapter.

What is an Image Adapter?

An Image Adapter is a custom function that you can use to deliver images enhanced and optimized for every user. It is a function that takes an image URL as input and returns a new image URL as output. The new image URL can be the same as the original image URL, or it can be a different image URL that is optimized for the user's device, browser, or network.

Getting Started

To get started, you need to create a custom adapter class. The class must extend the ImageAdapter domain which implements a supportSrc method, and a makeImageSrc method.

The supportSrc method is used to check if the image URL is valid for the current adapter. If the image URL is valid, the makeImageSrc method is called to generate the new image URL.

Creating an Image Adapter

So for example, if we have two Image Adapters, one for images from the Unsplash,

import { ImageAdapter } from "theme/components/atoms/Image/ImageAdapter";

class UnsplashAdapter extends ImageAdapter {
supportSrc(src) {
return src.includes("");

makeImageSrc(src) {
// ... do something with the image URL
return src;

export default new UnsplashAdapter();

and one for images from the Lorem Picsum, we can create the following classes:

import { ImageAdapter } from "theme/components/atoms/Image/ImageAdapter";

class LoremPicsumAdapter extends ImageAdapter {
supportSrc(src) {
return src.includes("");

makeImageSrc(src) {
// ... do something with the image URL
return src;

export default new LoremPicsumAdapter();

Registering an Image Adapter

To register an Image Adapter, you need to add it to the imageAdapters component you can do this by adding it to a top level route or a layout for example.

import imageAdapters from "theme/components/atoms/Image/adapters";

import UnsplashAdapter from "src/web/adapters/unsplash";
import LoremPicsumAdapter from "src/web/adapters/lorem-picsum";


Using an Image Adapter

All the built-in image components use the ImageAdapters by default to deliver images enhanced and optimized images.

Changing the generated sources for srcSet

The ImageAdapter has two optional methods:

  • getSupportedExtensions this allows you to change how the srcSet is generated.
  • getDefaultExtension this allows you to change the default format used for the srcSet.

For example, if we want to change the supported formats for the UnsplashAdapter:

import { ImageAdapter } from "theme/components/atoms/Image/ImageAdapter";

class UnsplashAdapter extends ImageAdapter {
supportSrc(src) {
return src.includes("");

makeImageSrc(src) {
return src;

getSupportedExtensions(transparent) {
if (transparent) {
return ["webp", "png"];

return ["webp", "jpeg"];

getDefaultExtension() {
return "jpeg";

You can also opt-out of multiple sources for the srcSet by either returning a single format or a null if you don't want to specify a format.

  getSupportedExtensions(transparent) {
if (transparent) {
return "webp" // return a single format

return null // generate one source without a format specification

Not specifing the getSupportedExtensions and getDefaultExtension methods will fallback to the default implementation.