📄️ .front-commerce.js
The .front-commerce.js configuration file at the root of a Front-Commerce project is the main entry point defining how an application behaves. This page documents its different configuration keys.
📄️ Analytics React Components
This reference documentation contains a detailed API interface for you to use when developing a Front-Commerce application.
📄️ CLI
With Front-Commerce comes a CLI tool ("front-commerce") that helps you launch the tasks needed to develop, build and launch your application. This reference documentation explains how to use it in a project.
📄️ Configurations
This reference documentation is about existing Front-Commerce configuration files.
📄️ Content Security Policy
This guide is about Content Security Policies configuration.
📄️ Debugging
This reference documentation explains how to debug your Front-Commerce app using breakpoints.
📄️ Environment variables
Environment variables available in Front-Commerce are the configurations that are likely to change depending on the current environment of your application. For instance, you could have three different environments: production, staging, and local.
📄️ front-commerce-prepare.js
From the front-commerce-prepare.js file, Front-Commerce will call hooks that will let you customize some of those steps. This reference page documents the syntax of the exported module required by Front-Commerce.
📄️ GraphQL context
Front-Commerce’s GraphQL modules can register GraphQL schema extensions and resolvers to actually fetch the data. This page contains the different keys available in the GraphQL context object managed by Front-Commerce.
📄️ GraphQL module definition
Front-Commerce’s GraphQL modules is the mechanism allowing to extend and override any part of the schema defined by other modules. This reference documentation explains the different configuration keys available.
📄️ Image React Component
This reference documentation contains a detailed guide on how to use the Image component
📄️ Remote schema helpers
This page references the helpers available when creating a Remote GraphQL module.
📄️ Routing
In Front-Commerce, the routing relies on two concepts: web modules and files in the "web/theme/routes" directory of your web module. This reference explains how to customize the routes of your application.
📄️ Scripts
When in production or during deployment, there are some tasks that are better automated. Front-Commerce contains scripts aimed at being used on your server when your application is running. This reference documentation explains how to use them.
📄️ Use Selected Product with Configurable Options
In the 2.10.0 release we refactored product configurable options and homogenized their use by creating useSelectedProductWithConfigurableOptions. This reference documentation explains how to use it.
📄️ Wishlist provider
📄️ WYSIWYG components
For a tangible example and explanation, please refer to