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Version: 2.x


When in production or during deployment, there are some tasks that are better automated. Front-Commerce contains scripts aimed at being used on your server when your application is running. This reference documentation explains how to use them.


We plan to improve the way scripts are created and used in the future, and allow developers to register custom scripts from their applications. If interested for more context, please see #169 for further details and do note hesitate to send us feedback about this feature. You can also contact us directly if you have any question.


The imageWarmUp.js script allows to generate images in your application cache, to prevent manipulating media (fetching, resizing…) on the fly as much as possible.

It reuses the configurations presented in the optimize your media page to generate a combination of images and formats used in your application.

To run it, you can add the following line in your application’s package.json scripts section:

"scripts": {
// […]
"imageswarmup": "node node_modules/front-commerce/scripts/imageWarmUp.js",
// […]

From the root of your application you could then run npm run imageswarmup to populate your images cache with all images available in your shop.

By default, it will ensure all images are available by creating images not already present in the cache. The script supports additional options:

  • --purge: remove cached images matching the current preset before generating new ones
  • --clear: remove all cached images before generating new ones
  • --verbose: displays details about the actions done by the script, to help with troubleshooting
  • an arbitrary number of image sizes (preset name) to warmup. In this case, the script will only generate and optionally purge images in this preset.

Usage example:

npm run imageswarmup -- --purge thumbnail small


The sitemap.js script allows to generate sitemaps with pages available in your application.

It uses pages exposed in the Query.sitemap root query of the application GraphQL server to generate one sitemap per store configured along with a sitemap index.

To run this script, you can add the following line in your application’s package.json scripts section:

"scripts": {
// […]
"sitemap": "node node_modules/front-commerce/scripts/sitemap.js",
// […]

From the root of your application you could then run npm run sitemap to generate/update sitemaps.

If your base url is, the generated sitemap index would be available at We recommend to reference it in your robots.txt file, by creating for instance the following file in your public directory (e.g: my-module/public/robots.txt):

User-agent: *

Usage example:

npm run sitemap