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Version: 2.x


This page contains the most common errors you may encounter, along with information that will help to solve them quickly.

Over the years, many developers have used Front-Commerce. A learning curve for such a solution exist, and we have detected recurring errors that may be difficult to troubleshoot for developers new to Front-Commerce or starting a new project.

My server is not starting

I cannot prepare the application or make it start

  1. check the stdout/stderr of your server and the /logs folder, there may be useful information
  2. try to prefix your command with DEBUG="front-commerce:scripts" to enter verbose mode (e.g: DEBUG="front-commerce:scripts" npm run start)
  3. try to remove your .front-commerce and node_modules directories, run npm install and try again… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Authentication issue

I am not logged in after entering valid credential information in the login form

  1. check the stdout/stderr of your server and the /logs folder, there may be useful information
  2. have you cleared your cookies?
  3. does the response send you a cookie with a valid domain?
  4. are secrets for your backend correctly set?
  5. is the session store correctly set? (see config/sessions.js)
    • for Filesystem storage: ensure you have the permissions to write session files (the default location is .front-commerce/sessions)
    • using another storage: is its configuration valid?
    • having multiple Front-Commerce processes: ensure that you are using a session store that's compatible with a distributed architecture (ex: redis, memcached, etc.).

Redirection loop

When visiting any page, I get redirected infinitely

  1. check the stdout/stderr of your server and the /logs folder, there may be useful information
  2. what is the output of a curl -I (replace with the url causing issues)
  3. it could be a redirection from the shop detection mechanism that redirects to the default one because it cannot find one matching the current url
    1. turn on the configuration debug mode using DEBUG="front-commerce:config"
    2. is the list of validUrls correct? Are urls from config/stores.js valid?
    3. is the url logged the one you used in your browser? If it has the port in it, it's likely because your server proxy/load balancer is not well configured. Please configure it so it adds X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Port and X-Forwarded-For headers (classic headers for proxies and load balancers). Example configuration for nginx proxy.
  4. it is redirecting to HTTPS although I don't have HTTPS on my server
    1. if it is your production server, please fix this! This is a severe security issue for your website and your users. It can also negatively impact your SEO and the trust of your users.
    2. if you know what you are doing, please make sure that your proxy sets X-Forwarded-Proto with https (Example configuration for nginx proxy)

JavaScript is not loading on my site

  1. which browser are you using? You can use to get detailed information from the browser.
  2. is this browser supported by the list defined in the browserslist key of your package.json file?
  3. do you see any fatal error in your browser console (DevTools) or in logs/client.log?

SSR is broken

In Dev mode, I see the SSR Fallback page

  1. check the stdout/stderr of your server and the /logs folder, there may be useful information
  2. are all pages broken or only some of them?
  3. ensure that there is no code using browser APIs loaded server side(e.g: Google Maps)

My JS bundle too big

When I look at the total size of JS assets on a single page, it is over my budget (> 500Ko for instance)

Build your application locally with the appropriate debug flag: DEBUG=front-commerce:webpack npm run build

  • look for big libraries and try to avoid their usage client side if possible, or find smaller alternatives (e.g: date-fns over moment.js)
  • look for libraries achieving the same task, and see if you couldn't adapt your code to only use one of them
  • ensure that there is no import of server side code in your client bundle
  • look for libraries duplicated across different chunks, they may be candidates to code splitting using loadable components

See for further information

The data returned by my GraphQL server is wrong

I expected GraphQL to return me some data but got something different

  1. ensure that the data is also incorrect if you execute the same query in your /playground (only available if FRONT_COMMERCE_ENV !== "production")
  2. start your server with DEBUG=axios npm run start. It will show you HTTP calls to remote systems, so you could reproduce them to ensure that the remote API returns valid data
  3. if data comes from ElasticSearch, start your server with DEBUG="front-commerce:elasticsearch" npm run start to view all ElasticSearch query. Try to run them manually to ensure they are correct and that indexed data are too
  4. ensure your cache is up to date. If using redis, run redis-cli flushall to empty all keys
  5. check for the resulting data in your GraphQL resolvers by adding console.log()s so you can follow where data are incorrectly transformed

I cannot POST a big payload to the server

Since version 2.2

Front-Commerce's server contains 2 configurations defining a maximum size for POST payloads to prevent abuses.

The express.graphQLBodyParserConfig.limit (for GraphQL payloads size) and express.jsonParserConfig.limit configurations (for POST to server endoints, such as cache invalidation) can be overridden using a configuration provider.


In DEV mode, you can view the current value for these configurations by opening the /__front-commerce/debug URL with the DEBUG="front-commerce:config" environment variable.

Here is an example of such config provider:

export default {
name: "express-configuration-overrides",
values: Promise.resolve({
express: {
graphQLBodyParserConfig: {
limit: "10mb", // default 1mb
jsonParserConfig: {
limit: "10mb", // default 1mb

The provider must then be registered in your application as any other one.

The signature is invalid. Verify and try again.

Magento2 returns a 401 HTTP Code with the following error message: The signature is invalid. Verify and try again.

It is very likely an OAuth error, for a feature using an Admin loader in Front-Commerce.

  1. ensure your OAuth configuration is correct. If it is correct, you might be able to view orders from a Customer account.
  2. ensure your Magento application is patched with this fix for ZF1 OAuth Signature class

If the problem persists, please contact us.

My images are not loading properly

There is an error when I try to display an image through Front-Commerce's proxy.

  1. Is your Magento endpoint correctly configured? A common error is having a URL with http instead of https.
  2. Is your image size properly defined? There is a validation step that should trigger some logs in your server if it is not defined properly.
  3. Is the size of your image preset (in src/config/images.js) an odd number? Since by default the images are resized in a 0.5 size, odd numbers can't be used in width or height. Please change it to an adjacent pair number.

I cannot view information when my product SKU contains a slash (/)

You experience 404 pages or errors when accessing a product containing a / in its SKU

This is because the SKU is used (for Magento 2 and Magento 1 at least) as a parameter in a REST API. Such API calls can be incorrectly routed to the platform due to server configuration.

First, enable DEBUG=axios to view the failing API calls so you can reproduce it outside of Front-Commerce.

Then check your server documentation to see how to configure it accordingly:

  • in Apache, you will have to add AllowEncodedSlashes On to your VirtualHost.
  • in Nginx, proxy_pass.


I'm using ElasticSearch for Magento 2 and categories are empty

No products appear in your categories or search results

It is very likely due to a mismatch between Front-Commerce ElasticSearch queries and the way data are indexed in ElasticSearch. Different versions of ElasticSuite index data differently.

For ElasticSuite versions < 2.9, there is nothing special to do. For ElasticSuite versions 2.9+ you have to define the FRONT_COMMERCE_ES_ELASTICSUITE_VERSION environment variable with your ElasticSuite version. Front-Commerce will detect it and run queries that match the way data are indexed.

Note: this setting was introduced in Front-Commerce 2.3

I have an error when using Magento 2's GraphQL

Class Magento\\GraphQl\\Model\\Query\\ContextExtensionInterfaceFactory does not exist

This can happen when running the following GraphQL query directly in Magento.

productsBySkus(skus: ["24-UB02"]) {

However, this only happens if you've run setup:di:compile in developer environment. In developer mode you don't need to compile Magento's code. You can do so by deleting the files in the generated folder.

rm -rf generated/{code,metadata}

In production mode, the error won't occur.

I have an error Cannot read property 'label' of null with Magento 2 native categories listing

If you're using Magento2 without an external Search Engine, and with the ElasticSuite module is installed in Magento you can face the following GraphQL error when browsing a category:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'label' of null
at /front-commerce/build/server/webpack:/src/server/modules/magento2/catalog/layers/resolvers.js:136:1
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async Promise.all (index 1)
at async Promise.all (index 2)
at async Promise.all (index 3)
at async Promise.all (index 9)
at async Promise.all (index 0) {
path: [ 'route', 'layer', 'dynamicFacets', 2, 'label' ]
TypeError: Cannot read property 'values' of null
at /front-commerce/build/server/webpack:/src/server/modules/magento2/catalog/layers/resolvers.js:149:1
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async Promise.all (index 2)
at async Promise.all (index 2)
at async Promise.all (index 3)
at async Promise.all (index 9)
at async Promise.all (index 0) {
path: [ 'route', 'layer', 'dynamicFacets', 2, 'buckets' ]

This is due to a known issue in ElasticSuite that has been fixed in version 2.10.6.

The solution is to update ElasticSuite to its latest version. For a workaround in FC (not recommended!), see this diff.

Another issue?

Please contact our support or open an issue describing the encountered problem along with your environment using npx envinfo --system --binaries