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Version: 3.x

Configure Preview Mode

This feature makes it possible to preview draft and published entries.

Alpha Feature

This is currently an alpha feature. The API could potentially undergo significant changes in the future.


To use Contentful Preview, ensure you have followed the Magic Button documentation to setup Contribution Mode.

You need to add a FRONT_COMMERCE_CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable to your .env file. This token will be used to authenticate the preview requests.

How to Configure Contentful space

To take advantage of Contentful's Preview Mode, you need to set up URL configurations for the preview environment in your Contentful space.

Follow these steps to configure your Contentful settings:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Content Preview in your Contentful space.
  2. Click the Add content preview button.

You'll need to provide the following information:

  • Name: Enter the name for this particular content type preview.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of this content type preview.
  • Content preview URLs: Enter a list of URLs that you'd like to use to preview different content types.

In Front-Commerce, we provide a specific endpoint, /contentful/preview/:space/:contentType/:id, that you can use as a Content preview URL.

Here is a sample format to follow when configuring the URL:{env_id}/{}/{}?secret=YOUR_PREVIEW_ACCESS_TOKEN


  • env_id corresponds to the environment of the current entry.
  • will resolve to the content type id of the current entry.
  • will resolve to the entry id.

Due to technical limitations in Contentful, to preview a local environment, you must either use ngrok to expose your local server to the internet and benefit from the Live Preview feature (iframe), or open the preview in another window. Replace in the sample URL above with your ngrok or localhost URL accordingly.

Configuring Your Application

By default, the preview route will direct you to the landing page (/) of your application. However, you can customize this behavior by registering an URL matcher.

The registerUrlMatcher method is accessible through the Contentful loader's routes object, it accepts two parameters:

  • contentType: The contentful GraphQL type name of the entry you want to match.
  • urlFormatter: A function that receives the entry id and the entry metadata as arguments. This function should return a string or null.

The urlFormatter function determines the URL to which the preview route will redirect:

  • If urlFormatter returns a string, the preview route will redirect to the URL defined by that string.
  • If urlFormatter returns null, the preview route will default to the landing page.

Here's an example of how you might register a urlMatcher:

import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLRuntime({
contextEnhancer: ({loaders}) => {
loaders.Contentful.routes.registerUrlMatcher("Page", (id, metadata) => {
if (id === "dntmgP2QV6uRuRChrdLFj") {
return `/contact-us`;
return null;

loaders.Contentful.routes.registerUrlMatcher("BlogPost", async (id) => {
const blogpost = await loaders.ContentfulClient.getEntry(id);
if (!blogpost.fields.slug) {
return null;
return `/blog/${blogpost.fields.slug}`;

This allows you to control the behavior of your application's preview mode on a per-content-type basis, enhancing flexibility and customization.