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Version: 2.x

Password fields

Your application will require customers to enter their password on several pages (registration, login, password forgotten…). This page contains all information about how to adapt the default Front-Commerce behaviors.

Front-Commerce contains some default components and mechanisms for providing a good user experience while ensuring passwords match the security criteria you may have. Here is how to adapt them to your needs.

Configure password validity

Since version 2.12

Front-Commerce expects a certain level of complexity for the password entered by a user. The default is:

  • 8 characters minimum
  • at least 3 types of characters among: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters

You can customize those default rules by overriding theme/components/atoms/Form/Input/Password/passwordConfig.js

The configuration expects a list of rules to be satisfied and status to be displayed to users. It should follow the format below:

import { defineMessages } from "react-intl";

const messages = defineMessages({
invalid: {
id: "components.atoms.Form.Input.PasswordStrengthHint.Status.invalid",
defaultMessage: "This is an invalid password",
tooShort: {
id: "components.atoms.Form.Input.PasswordStrengthHint.Status.tooShort",
defaultMessage: "Too short",

export default {
rules: [
// technical ID, must be unique
id: "a-unique-technical-id",
// optional, enforces this status if isValid returns false
invalidStatus: "TOO_SHORT",
// optional, label to display for this rule in the hinter. If it is not defined, the rule is not displayed.
label: messages.invalid,
// validation method for this rule
isValid: (password) => true,
status: {
// status key, used by rule.invalidStatus
// message to display for this status
label: messages.tooShort,
// the status to be used from the ProgressStatus component
status: "error",
// minimum number of valid criterias for this status to be display, only the first valid status sorted by minCriterias will be shown
minCriterias: 0,
// is this status sufficient to validate the password
isValid: false,

Disable password strength hints

Front-Commerce provides a <PasswordStrengthHint> to provide a detailed feedback to users about the expected password complexity.

You can deactivate this feature by adding the variable FRONT_COMMERCE_WEB_PASSWORD_HINT_DISABLE=true to your environment file.