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Version: 2.x

Remote schemas

Here are some use cases:

  • use GraphQL headless CMS such as GraphCMS or Strapi without any overhead
  • use Magento2 GraphQL endpoint as-is (useful for unsupported features or custom extensions)
  • develop and deploy your microservices using another technology, and expose its GraphQL API in your Front-Commerce GraphQL schema
  • … many more!

In Front-Commerce, GraphQL modules can declare their own local schema but they can also reuse remote schemas and make them available in the GraphQL schema. This is referred to as remote schema stitching.

This feature has been added in version 1.0.0-alpha.2

Exposing an entire remote schema

The simplest use case is to expose the whole remote schema in your existing application.

In this example, we are going to illustrate this feature by exposing the Pokemon GraphQL API in our eCommerce application… you may find it useful if you are selling Pokemon related goodies! 😸

First, let’s start by creating a new GraphQL module and register it in our application:

export default {
namespace: "Pokemon",
module.exports = {
name: "Front-Commerce",
url: "https://www.front-commerce.test",
modules: [],
serverModules: [
{ name: "FrontCommerce", path: "server/modules/front-commerce" },
{ name: "Magento2", path: "server/modules/magento2" },
{ name: "Pokemon", path: "./my-module/server/modules/pokemon" },

If you need more details about the steps above, you can read the Extend the GraphQL schema documentation page.

In its current state, this GraphQL module does nothing at all! Let’s update it to expose the remote GraphQL schema, by adding a remoteSchema key to the module definition.

export default {
namespace: "Pokemon",
remoteSchema: {
uri: "",

Restart your application and explore your schema using the GraphQL playground (by default at http://localhost:4000/playground).

You must see several new top level queries prefixed by Pokemon_. Congratulations! You now have access to all the Pokemon remote GraphQL queries and mutations in your Front-Commerce application, alongside your existing eCommerce ones.

Try the query below for instance:

Pokemon_pokemon(name: "raichu") {
weight {

product(sku: "VD11") {

Default transforms

You may have noticed in the previous example, that the pokemon query was named Pokemon_pokemon. The reason is that Front-Commerce applies some transforms to the remote schema before merging it into the local schema. The goal is to allow to quickly merge remote schemas by reducing the probability of a conflict.

Here are the transforms applied to the remote schema by default.

Prefix root queries and mutations

Root queries and mutations are prefixed with the GraphQL module namespace and an underscore. In the example above, the remote query pokemon(name: String!) was renamed into Pokemon_pokemon(name: String!). If we renamed the module’s namespace in MyPokedex the query would be MyPokedex_pokemon(name: String!).


Special characters are stripped from the module namespace to obtain a valid name. Example: for a module namespaced Acme/Foo, Front-Commerce will use AcmeFoo_ as a prefix.

Prefix types

In a similar way, types from the remote schema are prefixed with the GraphQL module namespace and an underscore.

In the Pokemon example above schema, the PokemonDimension type would be renamed to Pokemon_PokemonDimension.

Apply custom transforms

When doing remote schema stitching, you may want to apply your own transforms to the remote schema.

For instance, you may want to only expose the pokemons query from the remote schema. Here is how you could achieve it thanks to Front-Commerce’s remoteSchema.transforms GraphQL module definition key:

import { FilterRootFields } from "graphql-tools";

export default {
namespace: "Pokemon",
remoteSchema: {
uri: ""
transforms: [
new FilterRootFields(
(operation, rootField) =>
operation === "Query" && rootField === "pokemons"

Please note that these transforms are applied before Front-Commerce default ones. In this example, the pokemons root field will be renamed by default transforms as Pokemon_pokemons.

Customize remote HTTP requests

By default, the user IP address is the only information forwarded to the remote service (using the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header).

There might be situations where the remote service requires specific HTTP headers or content. For instance, you may have to provide an API key in all calls or an Authorization header to act as the currently logged in Customer.

Front-Commerce allows you to configure the underlying implementation using the remoteSchema.executor GraphQL module definition key.

Mix local and remote schemas

A GraphQL module can expose both a remote schema and a local schema with resolvers. Front-Commerce will first merge the remote schema, and then the local schema.

It means that you can add resolvers to enrich remote types with local data. In the example below, the module adds a custom relatedProducts to the remote Pokemon type (named Pokemon_Pokemon in Front-Commerce) resolving to products fetched from the pokemon id (in a hypothetical loader).

const typeDefs = `
extend type Pokemon_Pokemon {
relatedProducts: [Product]

export default {
namespace: "Pokemon",
dependencies: ["Another/CatalogModule"],
resolvers: {
Pokemon_Pokemon: {
relatedProducts: ({ id }, _, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.Product.loadByPokemon(id);
remoteSchema: {
uri: "",


Server restart needed

Please note that remote schema changes will only appear in your schema after a server restart. The remote schema definition is fetched during the server bootstrap process for performance reasons.

Query root type must be provided

The remote schema (after transforms applied) MUST contain at least a Query root type. This can happen when you only expose Mutations from your remote schema.

This limitation is identified in the library we use to merge schemas together. See apollographql/graphql-tools#764 and apollographql/graphql-tools#659 (comment) for details.

A « solution » is to add a dummy Query field to your remote schema:

type Query {
_dummy: String

See #196 for more information.


This remote schema stitching feature is still being explored, and we are looking for feedback to make it better. Please get in touch if you want to share your thoughts with us or ask any question!