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Version: 2.x

Extend the GraphQL schema

When developing an e-commerce store, you might at some point need to expose new data in your unified GraphQL schema to support new features and allow frontend developers to use them. Front-Commerce’s GraphQL modules is the mechanism allowing to extend and override any part of the schema defined by other modules.

The Front-Commerce core and platform integrations (such as Magento2) are implemented as GraphQL modules. They leverage features from the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL).

This page will guide you through the process of exposing a new feature in your GraphQL schema. We will create a GraphQL module that allows to maintain a counter of clicks for a product.

You will learn to:

  1. create a new GraphQL module
  2. register the GraphQL module in the Front-Commerce application
  3. implement the GraphQL module itself: add a field to the Product type and add a new Mutation to the schema

Create a new GraphQL module

Let’s say that we want to expose a counter of clicks for each product in our store. We first have to create a ClicksCounters GraphQL module.

This GraphQL module should appear in the folder of a Front-Commerce module. For instance, if the Front-Commerce module is in my-module, the GraphQL module should be in my-module/server/modules/clicks-counter. Learn more about Front-Commerce modules within Extend the theme.

In the GraphQL module folder, there should be a definition file which will determine how the module should behave within your Schema:

export default {
namespace: "ClicksCounters",

A GraphQL module has to export an object containing the different services it provides.

This module is valid even though it does nothing. However, it is not used in your application yet. You need to register it.

Register the module in the application

Front-Commerce allows you to manage your modules in the serverModules key of the .front-commerce.js file located in your project’s root.

Let’s add a ClicksCounters GraphQL module by adding it to the existing list:

module.exports = {
name: "Front-Commerce",
url: "https://www.front-commerce.test",
modules: [
serverModules: [
{ name: "FrontCommerce", path: "server/modules/front-commerce" },
{ name: "Magento2", path: "server/modules/magento2" },
name: "ClicksCounters",
path: "./my-module/server/modules/clicks-counters",

The name key must be unique across your server modules. It is a temporary name that is used during a code generation step and has no other usage in the application. Do not worry about it, it will be deprecated in a near future: see #179 for further information.

The path must be a path to your module definition file (created above).

In depth

under the hood, Front-Commerce is generating a .front-commerce/modules.js file from this configuration which is loaded very early in the server bootstrapping process. The name is used to import the correct module and export it in an homogeneous list, used by the withGraphQLApi express middleware.

Restart your application.

Congratulations! 🎉 You now have a new custom module ready to enhance the data exposed in the GraphQL middleware.

Implement module’s features

All the wiring is now done and it is time to develop the features of this module. In GraphQL a good practice is to start thinking about the schema, from a business domain perspective.

It is important to name things with a language shared by the team and prevent exposing implementation details (ids, different names…) as much as possible. We recommend the reading of the GraphQL documentation page Thinking in Graphs.

Let’s add the code to expose a counter field and a mutation in our graph.

Define the schema

Front-Commerce lets you describe your schema using the expressive GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL).

Create a my-module/server/modules/clicks-counters/schema.gql file to contain the schema matching our use case.

We would like to:

  1. add a clicksCounter field to the existing Product type
  2. add an incrementProductCounter mutation

It could look something like this:

extend type Product {
clicksCounter: Int

extend type Mutation {
incrementProductCounter(sku: String!, incrementValue: Int): MutationSuccess

The Product type is part of Front-Commerce’s Magento2 module.
The MutationSuccess type, used as the response for the mutation, is part of Front-Commerce’s core.


Please note that it could have been implemented as a top level Query as well:

extend type Query {
clicksCounterByProductSKU(sku: String!): Int

However, we feel it would have been less intuitive for front-end developers. On the other hand, it may seem more natural for developers familiar with designing relational databases or REST APIs. Still, we recommend limiting as much as possible the number of top-level queries in your projects to learn thinking in GraphQL.

Let's expose the schema using the typeDefs key of the module definition. We recommend to make the dependency to Magento’s Product module explicit by adding a dependencies key. Update the entrypoint:

import typeDefs from "./schema.gql";

export default {
namespace: "ClicksCounters"
dependencies: [
typeDefs: typeDefs

Webpack is taking care of converting SDL into a Javascript object using an appropriate loader.

Congratulations again! 🎉🎉 You should now be able to see these new fields and use them in GraphQL, without even having to restart the application!

Try to execute the query below in your GraphQL playground (by default at http://localhost:4000/playground):

product(sku: "WH09") {

Our GraphQL module does not yet have any code for sending content. This means that even if you can request the clicksCounter field, it won't actually return any data. So you should see the following response:

"data": {
"product": {
"sku": "WH09",
"clicksCounter": null

Let’s now add some executable logic to our module.

Implement resolvers

The GraphQL middleware relies on resolver functions to determine the data to return for a given field. This is where most of the « real work » is done, for instance by fetching remote datasources or transforming data.

Resolvers are exposed using the resolvers key of the module definition. It should be a Resolver map: an object where each key is a GraphQL type name, and values are mapping between field names and resolver function. Resolver functions may return a Promise for asynchronous operations.


To learn more about resolvers and their internals, we recommend reading GraphQL Tools resolvers documentation.

First, update the module definition as follow:

import typeDefs from "./schema.gql";
import resolvers from "./resolvers";

export default {
namespace: "ClicksCounters",
dependencies: [
typeDefs: typeDefs
resolvers: resolvers

And then create the resolvers.js file with a resolver map as below (we are going to analyze it in details in a few seconds):

const counters = new Map();

const currentValueOf = (sku) => counters.get(sku) || 0;

export default {
Product: {
clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => currentValueOf(sku),

Mutation: {
incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }) {
counters.set(sku, currentValueOf(sku) + incrementValue);
return {
success: true,

Let’s analyze this code in detail.

Returning the counter value for every Product

The first part of the export defines a resolver for the clicksCounter field of any Product field.

export default {
Product: {
clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => currentValueOf(sku),

It implements data retrieval for the following part of the schema declared earlier:

extend type Product {
clicksCounter: Int

The resolver function will use the sku key from its parent data and will return the current counter value from its local state (defaulting to 0 if no clicks occurred).

It is important to understand that the sku is not a parameter provided by frontend developers in the Query. It comes from data returned by earlier resolvers that fetched a Product, no matter where in the graph (category, upsells, cart…).

Incrementing the counter for a SKU

The second part of this resolver map is a incrementProductCounter mutation. Mutations in GraphQL are a way to modify server-side data, like POST requests in REST (whereas queries allow to read data, like GET requests in REST).

GraphQL modules must declare mutations by extending the top-level GraphQL Mutation type. You can read more about Mutations in the GraphQL’s Mutations documentation.

export default {
Mutation: {
incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }) {
counters.set(sku, currentValueOf(sku) + incrementValue);
return {
success: true,

In this resolver, the first parameter is unused because in a top level resolver there is no parent data. The second parameter contains arguments passed to the mutation. These arguments are the (sku: String!, incrementValue: Int) part of the schema definition declared earlier:

extend type Mutation {
incrementProductCounter(sku: String!, incrementValue: Int): MutationSuccess

The resolver will:

  1. use the mandatory sku argument to fetch the current counter value from its local state
  2. increment the counter value of the incrementValue optional argument. If the incrementValue argument has not been defined explicitly in the GraphQL request, it defaults to 1.
  3. set this new incremented value for the counter
  4. finally, return a value matching the MutationSuccess Front-Commerce type which in this example is always successful ({ success: true }).

you can debug the data passed in a resolver using console.log to view its shape in your server console shell output. To do so, a convenient thing to know is that console.log returns a falsy value. Hence, in the resolver above you could debug the sku value by updating the resolver as below:

-clicksCounter: ({sku}) => currentValueOf(sku),
+clicksCounter: ({sku}) => console.log(sku) || currentValueOf(sku),

Awesome! Your GraphQL server now has a new feature, let’s use it!

Query your new graph

Try to execute the previous query again in your GraphQL playground:

product(sku: "WH09") {

You should now have a real value returned!

"data": {
"product": {
"sku": "WH09",
"clicksCounter": 0

You can even increment the counter by sending a Mutation to your server:

mutation {
incrementProductCounter(sku: "WH09", incrementValue: 2) {

If it was successful, the above query must now return 2 in the clicksCounter field.

Asynchronous resolvers

In the previous example resolvers were synchronous, meaning that they returned a value that was immediately available. Most of the time, your resolvers will fetch data from a remote service and return them asynchronously using a Promise.

Returning Promise from resolvers is supported out of the box. Here is an example of turning the previous resolvers to asynchronous ones:

const counters = new Map();

const currentValueOf = (sku) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const currentValue = counters.get(sku) || 0;
}, Math.random() * 3000);

export default {
Product: {
clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => currentValueOf(sku),

Mutation: {
incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }) {
return currentValueOf(sku)
.then((currentValue) =>
counters.set(sku, currentValue + incrementValue)
.then(() => ({
success: true,

Make it scale!

Over time your resolvers may grow and contain more business logic. See Slim down resolvers with loaders to learn how you could extract logic from your resolvers and keep them easy to understand.