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Slim down resolvers with loaders

This page explains what loaders are and how you can create them. This will also help you better understand the Front-Commerce core code.

Loaders are an abstraction used in Front-Commerce to group all the business logic of a module.


If you have used Apollo Server, you might already be familiar with a similar pattern named data sources.

Why loaders?

When resolvers grow, you will likely extract functions or modules to share code between resolvers. It can be: constructing an axios instance with the correct URL and headers, modifying responses to return objects matching the GraphQL schema or error management for instance.

Loaders are aimed at being node modules encapsulating all your domain/API specific code. We recommend to design them as pure JS modules without any dependency on Front-Commerce or GraphQL features. Designing loaders with this approach has several advantages:

  • you can reuse existing code or libraries from another project
  • if you migrate away from Front-Commerce, this code could be reused easily in your new application (as soon as it is in a Javascript environment of course)
  • testability: the code from both your resolvers and loaders would be easier to test. You could inject fakes or mock loaders to test resolvers, and you could test loaders without the complexity of a GraphQL context since they are pure JS modules.
  • code sharing: under some circumstances you may also find convenient to share code between your server and react application (for data validation or transformation)

What are loaders?

In short: loaders can be anything you feel relevant to your use case.

We recommend to use patterns that your team understands: classes, pure functions or a mix between both approaches. It could be in-memory data transformation as well as data fetching code.

The most important is to make it independent from the infrastructure (express server, GraphQL implementation…) by injecting parameters or configuration extracted from the environment (request or server configuration) where relevant.

In Front-Commerce’s core GraphQL module, you will often find loaders exposing a repository-like interface. Here is for instance the functions exposed by Magento2’s product loader:

  • load(sku: string)
  • loadBySkus(skus: array)
  • loadByCategory(categoryId: int, paginationCriteria: object)
  • countInCategory(categoryId: int)
  • loadUpsellsOf(sku: string, paginationCriteria: object)
  • loadRelatedOf(sku: string, paginationCriteria: object)
  • loadCrosssellsOf(sku: string, paginationCriteria: object)

Each function is responsible for calling Magento’s REST API (with error management and headers corresponding to the current user) and formatting results according to the GraphQL schema.


When prototyping or designing your GraphQL module, we have found it convenient to start with fake implementations of loaders returning hardcoded static data. It allows to have an executable schema earlier, that could serve as a starting point for both frontend and backend developers.

Be lean

In a project, you could also start with a simple solution (such as reading data from a local CSV file) and add more advanced features (such as an admin interface to manage these data) later in the project. Loaders would then be the only part of your code to adapt to this complexity.

Refactoring to loaders

We will go through the process of extracting business logic from resolvers to a loader and discover the different tools provided by Front-Commerce to achieve this.

Initial resolvers

For this example, we will reuse loaders from the example used in the Extend the GraphQL schema guide.

Here is the initial code we will refactor:

const counters = new Map();

const currentValueOf = (sku) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const currentValue = counters.get(sku) || 0;
}, Math.random() * 3000);

export default {
Product: {
clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => currentValueOf(sku),

Mutation: {
incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }) {
return currentValueOf(sku)
.then((currentValue) =>
counters.set(sku, currentValue + incrementValue)
.then(() => ({
success: true,

Extract code in a loader

Let’s start by creating a new loader.js file with our loader module.

const counters = new Map();

const currentValueOf = (sku) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const currentValue = counters.get(sku) || 0;
}, Math.random() * 3000);

const incrementValueOf = (sku, increment) => {
return currentValueOf(sku).then((currentValue) =>
counters.set(sku, currentValue + increment)

export default {
loadBySku: (sku) => currentValueOf(sku),
incrementBySku: (sku, increment) => incrementValueOf(sku, increment),

You can then update the resolvers to use this loader:

-const counters = new Map();
+import CounterLoader from "./loader";

-const currentValueOf = sku => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- const currentValue = counters.get(sku) || 0;
- resolve(currentValue);
- }, Math.random() * 3000);
- });
export default {
Product: {
- clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => currentValueOf(sku)
+ clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => CounterLoader.loadBySku(sku)

Mutation: {
incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }) {
- return currentValueOf(sku)
- .then(currentValue => counters.set(sku, currentValue + incrementValue))
+ return CounterLoader.incrementBySku(sku, incrementValue)
.then(() => ({
success: true

Using GraphQL context for Dependency Injection

However, in the above example, resolvers are tightly coupled to the current implementation. We recommend to leverage GraphQL’s context to inject a loader to resolvers to solve this issue and improve the design.

The GraphQL context is (according to


A value which is provided to every resolver and holds important contextual information like the currently logged in user, or access to a database.

In Front-Commerce (and most GraphQL implementations), the context is passed as the 3rd argument of a resolver function.

Let’s refactor resolvers to use a loader from the context instead of importing it:

-import CounterLoader from "./loader";
export default {
Product: {
- clicksCounter: ({ sku }) => CounterLoader.loadBySku(sku)
+ clicksCounter: ({ sku }, _, { loaders }) => {
+ return loaders.Counter.loadBySku(sku);
+ }

Mutation: {
- incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }) {
+ incrementProductCounter(_, { sku, incrementValue = 1 }, { loaders }) {
- return CounterLoader.incrementBySku(sku, incrementValue)
+ return loaders.Counter.incrementBySku(sku, incrementValue)
.then(() => ({
success: true

You might be wondering why we used the loaders value from the context, and (more important) how this object was created… this is what we will learn in the next section!

Registering a loader in Front-Commerce’s GraphQL context

For the previous refactoring to work, we must register our loader in GraphQL’s context so the loaders.Counter could be used.

In Front-Commerce’s GraphQL modules, you can achieve this using the contextEnhancer key of your module definition.

This function is called by Front-Commerce during each request for all GraphQL modules, to construct the GraphQL context.loaders object. Each module can build loaders and make them available in the context by returning an object to be merged with previously declared loaders.

Let’s update the module definition to register a Counter loader:

import typeDefs from "./schema.gql";
import resolvers from "./resolvers";
+import CounterLoader from "./loader";

export default {
namespace: "ClicksCounters",
typeDefs: typeDefs
typeDefs: typeDefs,
- resolvers: resolvers
+ resolvers: resolvers,
+ contextEnhancer: (params) => {
+ return {
+ Counter: CounterLoader
+ };
+ }

Please refer to the GraphQL module definition reference for the exact signature and a more complex example.

Supporting advanced use cases

The refactoring explained above enables a wide range of use cases. We encourage you to get used to this pattern and explore the following documentation pages to see how you could combine them to achieve your goals.


The content below is currently being written. If you need more detailed information, please contact us. We will make sure to answer you in a timely manner.

  • optimize remote data fetching with dataloaders
  • interacting with Magento2 REST API
  • accessing the user session
  • using GraphQL modules dependencies to extend an existing loader

Let’s now take a look at a real-world module definition as an example.

Example from the core

Front-Commerce itself is written as GraphQL modules. You can browse Front-Commerce’s source code to find more examples and understand how it works.

Here is for instance how Magento2 CMS module’s definition looks like. You should see several patterns mentioned previously and get ideas about applying them in your application:

import { makeUserClientFromRequest } from "server/modules/magento2/core/factories";

import typeDefs from "./schema.gql";
import resolvers from "./resolvers";
import { CmsBlockLoader, CmsPageLoader } from "./loaders";

export default {
namespace: "Magento2/Cms",
dependencies: [
"Magento2/Store", // loaders need the store loader to get the store id
contextEnhancer: ({ req, loaders, makeDataLoader, config }) => {
const axiosInstance = makeUserClientFromRequest(

return {
CmsPages: CmsPageLoader(makeDataLoader)(axiosInstance, loaders.Store),
CmsBlocks: CmsBlockLoader(makeDataLoader)(axiosInstance, loaders.Store),

As you can see, the contextEnhancer is a bridge between the infrastructure layer (request, caching strategies, configuration) and loaders. It creates loader instances that could then be reused in resolvers, hiding Magento’s specific concerns from them… leading to code that is easier to understand and maintain!